
Networking Services for Enterprise Clouds

Lecture / Panel
For NYU Community

Speaker:Anees Shaikh  

 Faculty Host: Professor Kang Xi

As more enterprises look to leverage the cost and flexibility advantages of cloud computing, the lack of rich networking support remains a challenge. In this talk, we will discuss the requirements of enterprise line-of-business applications for additional network functions in the cloud, and argue that a service-level abstraction for the network is needed. After reviewing some of the trends in cloud network architecture, we describe our research efforts to develop networking services for multi-tenant enterprise clouds. In particular we will describe our application of software-defined networking techniques to implement cloud networking-as-a-service and other enterprise networking services.

About the Speaker
Anees Shaikh is a Research Staff Member and Manager with the IBM TJ Watson Research Center. He currently leads the systems networking research group at Watson, focusing on data center and cloud network architecture, management, and services. Prior to this, Anees had been working on a number of cloud computing efforts within IBM Research, including service management in the cloud, cloud service creation, and designing operational management processes and tools for IBM's public and private cloud offerings. Anees completed a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Michigan.