Personalized Energy for 1x6 Billion

A Free Public Lecture Presented by Brooklyn Frontiers in Science, The American Chemical Society Brooklyn Subsection, and Polytechnic Institute of New York University
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Daniel G. Nocera
Henry Dreyfus Professor of Energy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The capture and storage of solar energy at the individual level – personalized solar energy – is at the heart of this energy challenge because it offers a way to provide secure, carbonneutral and plentiful energy to 6 billion new energy users by mid-century. This talk will present the creation of new catalysts that use the functional elements of photosynthesis. These catalysts are
then integrated to make the first artificial leaf. By developing an inexpensive 24/7 solar energy system for the individual, a carbon-neutral energy supply for 1× 6 billion becomes available.
About the Speaker
Daniel G. Nocera is the Henry Dreyfus Professor of Energy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he is also the Director of the Solar Revolutions Project and the Director
of the Eni Solar Frontiers Center. His group pioneered studies of the basic mechanisms of energy conversion in biology and chemistry. He has received numerous awards for his scientific
research and was named as one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World.