
NYU CareerNet Orientation Webinar

For NYU Community

Please join us for an online career development seminar that  will introduce you to NYU CareerNet, provide you with strategies for an effective job search, give you insights on professional presentation, and an overview of the new programs and services available to you.

Some of these services will include:

  • NYU CareerNet, including the Vault Career Insider, Going Global, Interviewstream, the iNet Consortium, and NYU's partnership with
  • The semi-annual Resume Book Collection for graduating students 16 industry categories, including computer science, financial services, and for the first time, engineering
  • Career development seminars, including job search strategies, interviewing skills, and countless networking events

Space is limited, you must RSVP below to participate. You will receive an email with a link to the webinar prior to the event. (Note: if you don't see a registration form below then there are no more spots available for this event.)

Many thanks to the Graduate Center for providing the technology to make this event possible.

NOTE: You must have Adobe Flash Software installed to view this Webinar (you have if regularly open PDF documents)