
MESC Engineers Week Dinner & Lecture - Challenges Faced in the Rebuilding of the WTC Transportation Hub

Lecture / Panel
For NYU Community

The Metropolitan Engineering Societies Council (MESC) presents its 2011 Engineers Week Celebration. All alumni, faculty, staff and students are invited to attend. The event will feature a keynote presentation by Quentin Brathwaite, Assistant Director of Construction at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey: Challenges Faced in the Rebuilding of the WTC Transportation Hub.

During the event, the Mayor's Proclomation on Engineers Week will also be presented.

Cost is $50.00 per person with mailed reservation and check required by February 10, 2011. 1 PDH (expected) is available for this meeting. To register, please download and complete this form, and mail with check to MESC, PO Box 1981, Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008-1981. 

Price: $50.00