Polytechnic Alumni and Parents are invited to join Professor Nasir Memon, a recognized expert in the field of computer and network security, for a special gathering in San Diego honoring the contributions and achievements of Poly's alumni, and celebrating the current energy that has placed NYU-Poly at the point of transformation in the areas of technology, education and research.
Professor Memon will give an exciting update on the opening of NYU-Poly's latest project, the Center of Innovation for Technology and Entertainment (CITE), a showcase of NYU-Poly’s invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship philosophy. Its centerpiece will be the Game Innovation Lab, a place that will bring together some of NYU-Poly's strongest researchers and their students across multiple departments taking games as an innovation challenge. He will discuss how games are a compelling platform for achieving important aims such as education, health, and civic participation, and how gaming can be an effective platform for teaching students valuable lessons about teamworking, technology, system design and the importance of the end-user experience for software design.
Biography: Nasir Memon
Memon is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and director of the Information Systems and Internet Security (ISIS) laboratory at NYU-Poly (http://isis.poly.edu). His other research interests include digital forensics, data compression, and multimedia computing and security.
He has appeared on NBC Nightly News as an expert on steganography and his research has been featured in The New York Times, MIT Review, Wired.Com, and New Science Magazine, and is currently the editor-in-chief of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineer’s (IEEE) Transactions on Information Security and Forensics. He was an associate editor for IEEE’s Transactions on Image Processing, the Journal of Electronic Imaging, the ACM Multimedia Systems Journal, the LNCS Transaction on Data Hiding, IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, and the International Journal on Network Security. Memon is the co-founder of Digital Assembly and Vivic Networks, two early-stage start-ups in NYU-Poly's business incubators.
This event is free and open to all Polytechnic alumni, parents, and their guests. Event will include cocktail reception and hors d'oeuvres.
Registration below is required.