Guidance Counselor Luncheon and Information Session in Washington DC
Luncheon and Information Session for Guidance Counselors and College Advisors in the Washington DC, Virginia and Baltimore area
Featured Presentation: “Selective College Admission & How to Finance an Education”
How to Get Your Students Admitted Into Highly Selective Universities
Each year, students from around the country submit everything they can think of to the admissions office, and subsequently most of these items are tossed out without a review. What do admissions selection teams look for? How do they make their decisions? Attend this workshop and find out. We’ll discuss selection and scholarships at elite universities, the value of high school GPAs, ranking, AP classes, SATs and ACTs. Receive solid advice to share with families and learn to improve your letters of recommendation.
RSVP below by Monday, January 17th or call 1-800-POLYTECH
A second date has been scheduled on Friday, January 21st in Baltimore, MD for your convenience.