Book Launch - Making Things Move: DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists

Celebrate the release of Making Things Move: DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists (McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics, 2010), written by Dustyn Roberts, NYU-Poly mechanical engineering PhD student and research assistant. The book launch, part of Eyebeam's Holiday Mixer, will include a workshop where you can learn how to make a mouse-trap powered car (a featured project from her book). There will also be a Grand Prix and champagne toast at 6 pm.
Making Things Move reveals practical mechanical design principles to readers who may have no background in engineering and shows how to apply those principles through a wide range of sample projects, from art installations to toys to labor-saving devices.
The book grew out a class Dustyn teaches at NYU Tisch’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) called Mechanisms and Things That Move. Dustyn is also an NYU Tisch adjunct professor.
Price: $10 admission to Holiday MIXER / optional $5 workshop