Hindi NonVisual Desktop Access
Joyojeet Pal, Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Technology Management
Polytechnic Institute of NYU
Kiran Bartakke, Yeswanth Gogineni, Joyojeet Pal, Kunjan Sanghavi, Anjali Vartak, Avinash Vutukuri, Vrutti Vyas
Language support for screen readers is a major challenge in the area of accessible assistive technology for vision-impaired computer users from the developing world. In this research, we demonstrate an implementation of mechanical/robotic voice Hindi language text-to-speech for the NVDA screen reader. We discuss the challenges making screen readers accessible to users of languages not currently represented, and specifically consider the problems of mechanical voice systems in intelligible audio output. To this end, we present the results of a small study of our system with native and non-native Hindi speakers. In conclusion, we make the case for why the larger issues of developing quality screen readers presents a diverse set of challenges that require attention from researchers familiar with both the technological and social aspects of design for new technology adopters.