NYU-Poly Invites two of your high school guidance counselors to:
A Workshop on Selective Admissions at Schools of Engineering &Technology, Financing Private University Tuition, the Hottest Careers for Graduates and a Tour of our Facilities
Followed by a Broadway Show.
Transportation from New Jersey will be provided from Woodbridge Center Mall parking area near Fortunoff (Pole #36).
250 Woodbridge Center Drive
Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095
Pickup at 7:30 a.m.
- 7:30 a.m. - Bus leaves from Woodbridge Center Mall
- 9:30 a.m. - A Workshop on Admission into a Selective University of Engineering and Techology, Financing an NYU-Poly Tuition, the Hottest Careers over the next five years, and Tour (Hot Breakfast)
- 12:00 p.m. - Following the Workshop, attendees will enjoy a box lunch en route to a matinee performance of Billy Elliot
- 4:30 p.m. - Return trip to Woodbridge Center Mall
Thank you for your interest; however, this event has been booked to capacity. For further information please call us at the Undergraduate Admissions Office: 1-800-POLYTECH.