
CSAW (Cyber Security Awareness Week) Quiz Finals and Award Ceremony

For NYU Community

CSAW Participants

Don't miss Thursday, October 28's Welcome Reception

  • Test your cyber-security knowledge.
  • Support CSAW finalists.
  • Win an iPod touch.

Come to the 2010 CSAW Awards Ceremony to support the more than 300 CSAW (Cyber Security Awareness Week) finalists from across the continental United States who will compete for prizes and scholarships by solving the kinds of simulated security crises likely to emerge in an increasingly wired world. Before the ceremony, watch the final round of the Quiz Tournament, one of CSAW's 6 challenges, and see if you know as much as the competitors do about cyber security. You'll have 3 chances to win an iPod touch during the event's raffle drawings.

Want to participate in the Quiz Challenge?

There's still time to register: Rounds will begin Friday morning.

2:30 p.m.

  • Quiz Finals

2:30 - 4:00 p.m.

  • Awards Ceremony featuring Keynote Speaker Sean Paul McGurk, Director, Control Systems Security Program, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Throughout the Event

  • Raffles for iPod touches

The Challenges

During the day, students will compete in the final rounds of CSAW challenges:

  • CTF: Application Security
  • High School Cyber Forensics 
  • Embedded Systems 
  • Quiz Tournament 
  • AT&T Research Award 
  • Security Awareness Video

About CSAW

CSAW (Cyber Security Awareness Week) is the most comprehensive set of challenge for elite computer science students. It's an event run by students, for students. For seven years, NYU-Poly computer science and information technology students at the prestigious Information Systems and Internet Security (ISIS) Lab have designed CSAW challenges and made sure that CSAW continues to be one of NYU-Poly's most-anticipated annual events.

Visit to learn more.