Transatlantic Perspectives on Emerging Technology Management
Lecture / Panel
For NYU Community
Transatlantic Perspectives on Emerging Technology Management: Encouraging and Nurturing Internationally Competitive Spin-Offs
Moderated by Kurt Becker
Associate Provost for Research & Technology Initiatives and Professor of Physics
Polytechnic Institute of New York University
Richard Bendis
Innovation America
Thomas Lechler
Howe School of Technology Management, Stevens Institute of Technology
Edward Reinfurt
New York State Foundation for Science, Technology, and Innovation
At Issue
- National frameworks, practices and funding schemes in the United States and Germany/Europe for early-stage hightech companies (e.g. university spin –offs)
- Examples of, opportunities for and remaining obstacles to international collaboration, best practice adoption and tapping non-domestic sources of seed money in establishing (university) spin-offs and other vehicles of successful commercialization
- Effects of the state of the world economy on tech transfer, tech commercialization, and finance
Who Should Attend
Public and private sector technology transfer managers, venture capital and economic development professionals from the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions.
Reception to follow. Seating is limited.
RSVP by Friday, October 22