Join the Graduate Center for the Career Conversations Series. This is your opportunity to have lunch with a current NYU-Poly administrator to learn about their career path and tips for success in the working world. Sign-up today! Whether you are looking for an internship or a full-time job after graduation, you’ll have the chance to have your questions answered.
This Week's Presentation:
The Innovator’s Journey: Fulfilling the Promethean Promise
Dr. Andres Fortino, P.E.
The history of engineering is the history of innovation. This talk explores the path of the creative innovator using both western and eastern mythic traditions looking for adequate archetypes. Certain ancient myths and stories of heroes are available to study as innovator’s journeys. In the West we have the legend of Prometheus, in the East we have tale of The Journey To The West. It is important to understandthese myths and what lessons they teach us about the innovator’s journey. We will put these myths in perspective using modern contributors such as political economist Schumpeter on the creative destruction process, and MIT management educator Christiansen on the innovator’s dilemma as well as industrial psychologist Chris Argyris on the innovator as a professional. If you have any interest in putting your engineering talent to work as an innovator, come discover how to prepare yourself for the journey.
About Dr. Andres Fortino:
Dr. Fortino is Associate Provost for Corporate Graduate Programs at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University. He holds bachelors and masters degrees in electrical engineering from City College of New York and a PhD in electrical engineering from CUNY. Before joining NYU-Poly he served as Dean of the Marist College School of Management. Early in his career he worked for IBM Corporation in semiconductor research and development. He holds three patents and ten invention disclosures and was awarded IBM’s first invention level award. He has written seven books and numerous research articles and other publications. He has more than 40 years of experience in the information technology industry and in academic administration. He holds a PE license in electrical engineering. He taught over 170 technical seminars for Learning Tree International in the area of computer networks. He is a member of the Society for Information Management and the CIO Council of the State of New York. He is a member of the Academy of Management and is a Senior Member of IEEE. His major interests are innovation engineering and technology management.
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