III-V Nitride Semiconductors for Photonics and Magnetics
In the past decade, the III-V nitride semiconductors have had a tremendous impact on solid state lighting technology and high power electronic devices. Different compositions of AlGaInN have led to a wide range of electronic and photonic properties. In this talk I will focus on research concerning novel photonic and magnetic properties of GaN films that can be achieved when these materials are doped with either rare earth (RE) or transition metal (TM) atoms. Strong visible and infrared emissions have been observed from RE doped GaN with potential applications in full color displays. In addition, room temperature ferromagnetism has been observed from GaN doped with various TM and RE ions including Mn, Gd, Eu, and Er making this material system an important candidate as a dilute magnetic semiconductor for spintronics. Research issues and prototype devices will be addressed.
About the Speaker
Dr. John Zavada received a BA degree in physics from Catholic University, Washington, DC, and MS and PhD degrees from New York University, Washington Square, NY. Afterwards, he joined the Army's Pitman-Dunn Laboratory in Philadelphia, PA, where he worked on analysis of light scattering from rough surfaces. In 1977, he moved to the Army's Picatinny Laboratory in Dover, NJ, where he carried out research on the optical properties of semiconductor thin films. In 1984, he became a program manager in the Electronics Division of the Army Research Office in the Research Triangle, NC. Since then he has managed external research programs in optoelectronic devices and materials. He has had two assignments at the Army's European Research Office in London, England, where he directed R&D programs in electronics across Europe. His research has included the optical properties of semiconductors, ion implantation, and effects of hydrogen and rare earth impurities in materials. He has authored more than 160 refereed publications and over 50 conference and seminar presentations. Dr. Zavada has held adjunct research appointments at Duke University, North Carolina State University, and the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London. He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America and a recipient of the U.S. Army Meritorious Civilian Service Award.