
Information Dynamics in Wireless Communications

Lecture / Panel
For NYU Community

Speaker: Vaneet Aggarwal


A key element of mobile wireless networks is that they know the network parameters only in their immediate neighborhood. Thus, individual nodes in the network have to decide transmission power and code-books without global knowledge of the network. What then is the value to a node of learning more about its immediate neighborhood, and what are the protocols that make optimal use of the local information? In this talk I will provide some answers and introduce a principled framework for distributed decision making

About the Speaker

Vaneet Aggarwal received a B.Tech. degree in 2005 from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India and an MA degree in 2007 from Princeton University, both in electrical engineering. He is currently pursuing a PhD degree in electrical engineering at Princeton University. His research interests are in applications of information and coding theory to wireless systems and quantum error correction. Aggarwal received the Porter Ogden Jacobus Honorific Fellowship, the highest honor awarded by Princeton's graduate school, in 2009.