Forum and Career Networking Night: Achieving Rapid Career Success in Human Resources

Featured Presenter: Yanina Krubitski
Vice President, Human Resources, Allied Irish Bank and Recipient of the 2009 Alumni Achievement Award for Graduates of the Organizational Behavior Program
Schedule of Events
5:30 - 6:00 pm
Registration – OB Alumni, Faculty, Students & Guests
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Yanina Krubitski Award Ceremony and Presentation
7:00 - 8:15 pm
Buffet Dinner and Networking
Presentations by OB Alumni
RSVP Required, Space is Limited
Professor Harold Kaufman
Phone: 646.997.3485
Fax: 646.997.3874
About Yanina Krubitsk
About Yanina Krubitski is a 1997 graduate of the Organizational Behavior Master of Science program at Polytechnic and has achieved rapid career success. Ms. Krubitski has over 15 years of experience in the field of human resources and is now Vice President of Human Resources with the Allied Irish Bank. Some of her major areas of expertise include total compensationsalary administration, performance management, policy implementation and administration, management counseling, staffing, and resource planning.
After completing her studies, Ms. Krubitski has continued to be involved with Polytechnic SHRM by volunteering to participate at mentoring and networking nights for current and prospective graduate students, sharing her experience at Poly and in the field of human resource management.
In recognition of her accomplishments, Ms. Krubinski will receive a Polytechnic Alumni Achievement Award and share her experience in HR that helped her attain rapid career success.
Hosted By
NYU-Poly Society for Human Resource Management Student Chapter in cooperation with the Office of Alumni Relations and the University Relations Committee of HRNY
Price: This is a free event