
Seminar: Stabilization of Mechanical Systems via Energy Shaping

For NYU Community

Speaker: Professor Dong Eui Chang

Faculty Host: Professor Zhong-Ping Jiang


I will present my recent results on the method of controlled Lagrangians for the stabilization of mechanical systems by shaping both energy and external forces. The basic idea of this method is simple. Given an unstable mechanical system such as an inverted pendulum, we transform it via energy shaping to an ideal system such as an hanging pendulum whose energy attains a minimum at an equilibrium of interest. We then apply a dissipative feedback control in order to asymptotically stabilize the closed-loop system.  Despite its popularity,  there were not any simple criteria available for stabilizability by this method either on the controlled Lagrangian side or on the IDA-PBC side where IDA-PBC is the energy shaping method on the Hamiltonian side. In this talk, I will show various easily verifiable criteria for stabilizability by energy shaping, and illustrate them with several examples


Dr. Dong Eui Chang received a BS in Control and Instrumentation and a MS in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University, Korea in 1994 and 1997, respectively, and a PhD in Control and Dynamical Systems from Caltech in 2002. He is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Canada. His research interests include geometric control, optimal control, and robotics