Graduate Center is hosting this Graduate Student Social where students will have the opportunity to network. All graduate students are invited.
Pizza will be served; plus your first drink is free. Additional drink specials will be offered for NYU-Poly students. Please be sure to bring a photo ID that includes your Birth Date/Age and your NYU-Poly Student ID Card.
Directions:The Brazen Head – 228 Atlantic Avenue (Between Court Street & Boerum Place). Take the F or G to the Bergen Street stop and walk 3 blocks to Atlantic Avenue. Turn Left on Atlantic and walk .5 of a block to The Brazen Head. OR, Take the A or C to the Hoyt-Schermerhorn stop. Walk 2 blocks to Atlantic Avenue. Turn Right on Atlantic and walk 2.5 blocks to The Brazen Head.From NYU-Poly, less than 8 minutes total travel time.