Public Cloud Security Technologies
Public cloud and the shared responsibility model present new risks and regulatory challenges to heavily regulated industries such as health and financial services. IT modernization demands the ability to bridge diverse functions and technical disciplines. DevOps, Cloud, modern application architectures and Cyber Security blur historical organizational boundaries and challenge legacy operating models.

Synechron provides students and alumni with the opportunity to learn how to better secure their organizations through real-world experiences related to these critical Public Cloud adoption challenges:
- Compliance as Code
- Secrets Management
- Privileged Access Management
Senior members of Synechron Consulting present a series of three (3) webinars (available asynchronously) on addressing these industry challenges. Following the webinars, there are separate assessments to demonstrate the following technical skills:
- Technology Controls
- Behavior Driven Design (BDD)
- CI/CD pipeline
- Shared Responsibility Model
- Secrets Vault
- Privileged Access Management (PAM)
- Credentials Vault
- Key Management
- Certificate Management
Complete the Public Cloud Security Technologies Badge
Access the Lectures & Assessments on the Tandon Online Student Hub via NYU Classes.
To earn the Public Cloud Security Technologies badge:
- View the three (3) 1-hour webinars.
- Earn a score of 80% or better on each of the subsequent topic assessments
Approximate time to Complete Badge: 5-6 Hours
Recommend Prerequisite Experience: Basic understanding of technology, information security or risk governance knowledge.
For more information about Synechron, please visit