CS-GY-6643 Computer Vision (class #23724), Spring 2016

Computing properties of our 3-D world from passive and active sensors

Syllabus, Guido Gerig (home)

Goal and Objectives:

General Information:

Lecture:        Tue 6 - 8pm,  Rogers Hall, Rm 215
Instructor:    Guido Gerig (gerig at nyu.edu)
                        Office: 2 MetroTech Center, 10.094. office hours Mon 2-5pm
TA:                 Rupanta Rwiteej Dutta, (rrd300 at nyu.edu)
                       Office hours: Tuesday 2 to 5pm,  2 MetroTech Center, 10th floor, cubicle space 10.098E (outside Gerig office)

Primary Textbook, to be purchased by students:  Computer vision: a modern approach, by Forsyth and Ponce. Prentice Hall, 2011 (or original 2002 version).
(Secondary Textbook:  not to be purchased by students  Book by Rick Szeliski).
The class will make use of MATLAB for projects. Students can also use of C++.

This course will focus on the 3D aspect of Computer Vision and thus focus on geometry and algorithms to computer the 3D scene from multiple images. We will use basic image processing but the necessary background will be introduced in class. This course introduces the many techniques and applications of computer vision and scene analysis. | Prerequisites: Graduate standing, CS-GY 5403 and MA-UY 2012, or equivalents, or instructor’s permission.

Syllabus (pdf document)

This course will use NYUClasses  NYUClasses for organization of materials, exams, assignments, up- and downloads.

Readings (files)
Additional Materials
Introduction, Organization
Image Formation
Introduction slides (pdf)
Textbook Forsyth&Ponce:
Book Contents (pdf)
Image Formation: Ch1 Cameras (pdf)

Image Formation
Image Formation I:
Cameras, Lenses, Sensors (slidesI, slidesII, slides-lenses III)

Textbook Forsyth&Ponce:
Image Formation: Ch1 Cameras (pdf)

Geometric Camera Models CH 2 (pdf)

Matlab/Octave Introduction
Preparation Octave: Rupanta Rwiteej Dutta
(Credit for Matlab intro: Bo Wang and Avantika Vardhan, U of Utah)
Slides pdf,
Matlab code and images archive)
Octave code (archive)
Matlab tutorial streaming video: vimeo page directly at http://vimeo.com/105393037

Image Formation ctd.
Image Transformations, Lenses, Camera Calibration
Image Formation II (pdf)
Camera Calibration (pdf)

Geometric Camera Models:
Old Book: Read 2.1, 2.2, 3.1-3.3, New Book: 1.2, 1.3

Part I:  Image Formation:
a) Intrinsic/Extrinsic Parameters, b)
Camera Calibration slides (intrinsic, extrinsic parameters) S.M. Abdullah
Assignment 1 is out: Deadline Wed  February 24: (see NYUClasses)
  • see Matlab/Octave tutorials and sample code above
  • calibration pattern: (pdf)
  • see also slides S.M. Abdullah (pdf)
Lenses, Distortion

Stereo, Epipolar Geometry
,Stereo  Essential and Fundamental Matrices.
Correspondence: Multiview stereo, Triangulation.
Radial Distortion Corr: (pdf)
Lenses: slides-lenses III
Lenses, depth of field animated (ppt)
Depth of field animated slides (pdf)

Slides Stereo, Multiple View Geometry I (pdf)

Slides Multiple View Geometry II (pdf)

Cameras with Lenses

Intro Stereo:
New book: 1.13, Old book: 1.2
New book: Ch7 Stereopsis
Old Book:  Ch10 and 11

Multiview Stereo, Rectification, Correspondences
Triangulation, 3D Reconstruction
Slides Multiple View Geometry II (pdf)

New book:  Ch 7.4/7.5/7.6 Stereopsis
Old Book:  
Ch 11.2/11.3/11.4
Old book: 11.1 and 10.1.4 (motions)
New book: Ch7.2 and Problem 7.2

Assignment 2 out (pdf), due Wed 09-Mar midnight

Assignment 1 in (NYUClasses), Wed 23-Feb-16 midnight

Multiview Stereo, Rectification, Correspondences
Triangulation, 3D Reconstruction
Slides Image Rectification (pdf)
Slides Correpondences/Correlation (pdf)
Stereo: Triangulation (pdf)
see above
Image Rectification (Trucco & Verri Textbook) (pdf)

Midterm Exam
60 minutes
Materials covered:
1) Image Formation 1.1, 1.2,
1.3.1) Geometric Camera Calibration
7) Stereopsis:  7.1, 7.2, 7.4.1

Multiview Stereo: Wrap-up Correspondences, Rectification
see above
see above
see above

NYU Spring Recess

Introduction: Reflectance Maps, Shape from Shading

Photometric Stereo (ctd)

Shape from Shading: Surface Reconstruction

Photometric Stereo and Shape from Shading SfS: Slides G. Gerig
Slides introduction (pdf) , SfS (pdf)

New Book: Chapter 2
Old Book:: Chapters 4 and 5

Hands on Shape from Shading, Technical Report, May 2008 by Shireen Y. Elhabian (pdf)
Additional materials/slides Photometric Stereo and Shape fronm Shading (Ohad Ben-Shahar BGU)
Slides Wolff JHU (pdf)
Link to materials Wolff JHU (link)

SfS via curve evolution (Kimmel, Siddiqi, Bruckstein): (pdf)

Assignment 2 in (NYUClasses), Wed 23-Mar-16 midnight

Assignment 3 out
synthetic images
sphere images

Shape from Shading continued

Optical Flow I
see above

Optical Flow (OF) I: Slides G. Gerig (pdf)
additional handwritten notes (pdf)
Hands on Shape from Shading, Technical Report, May 2008 by Shireen Y. Elhabian (pdf)

Final Project Examples / Ideas (pdf)
Deadline Fri 4/8 midnight for Project Title/Abstract.
Optical Flow I

Optical Flow II, Structure from Motion
Optical Flow (OF) I: Slides G. Gerig (pdf)

Optical Flow II:  Slides G. Gerig (pdf)
Optical Flow:  Computer Vision Book (pdf)
Original Paper Horn & Schunck 1981 (pdf)

Assignment 3 due Fri April 8 noon

Assignment 4 out Friday April 8

toycar movie (movie)
video-sequence-images b/w
video-sequence-images color

Individual work on Assignment 4 and Final Project

Optical Flow II, Structure from Motion

Optical Flow III
Optical Flow II:  Slides G. Gerig (pdf)

Optical Flow: Structure from motion (see previous slides), additional handwritten notes
on structure from motion (SfM)

Optical Flow:  Computer Vision Book T&V (pdf)
Original Paper Horn & Schunck 1981 (pdf)
Optical Flow Computer Vision Book T&V Ch8 (pdf)

CAP5415 - Computer Vision
Slides: Motion&Optical Flow

Assignment 4 due Fri April 22 midnight (pdf)
Structured Lighting I and II
Structured Lighting I: Slides G. Gerig (pdf)
Powerpoint slides w. animations (ppt)

Structured Lighting II  cts.  (pdf)
Structured Lighting: Some pages from Computer Vision  Book R. Klette (pdf)
Build your own 3D scanner: SIGGRAPH 2009 course: D. Lanman/ G. Taubin Brown University: Notes pdf,   Slides
Stanford, Levoy et al: Real-time 3D Model Acquisition (link)
3D photography on your desk: Bouget &Perona ICCV 1998: (pdf)

Project Presentations
List of Projects (pdf)

Final Project Due

Final Project Due

Other Information:

NYU Tandon School of Engineering Honor Code

Students are expected to work on their own, as instructed by the Professor. Students may discuss projects with other individuals either in the class or outside the class, but they may not receive code or results electronically from any source that is not documented in their report. Students must write their own code, conduct their own experiments, write their own reports, and take their own tests. Any use of sources (for projects or tests) that are not specifically given to the student by the Professor or TA, must be discussed with the Professor or TA or documented in the report. Any student who is found to be violating this policy will be given a failing grade for the course and will be reported to the authorities as described in the University's Student Code of Conduct:


Homework assignments are due at 11:59pm on the given due date. Written assignments should be in
pdf format, while coding assignments should additionally be source files. Coding can be done in MATLAB (using
only the base package, no toolkits), Octave, or C++. The report should clearly identify code developed by the student and pieces of code obtained by external sources.


Weighted contribution of projects and exams to final grade:

* Exceptions may apply for excused absences documented by officials (e.g. medical problems), requiring additional advanced notice.


Matlab Introduction Imaging, special course lecture: