- DeeperImpact: Optimizing Sparse Learned Index Structures.
S. Basnet, J. Gou, A. Mallia, and T. Suel.
May 2024.
- Navigable Graphs for High-Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Search:
Constructions and Limits.
H. Diwan, J. Gou, C. Musco, C. Musco, and T. Suel.
May 2024.
- Faster Learned Sparse Retrieval with Block-Max Pruning.
A. Mallia, T. Suel, and N. Tonellotto.
46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
July 2024.
- Faster Learned Sparse Retrieval with Guided Traversal.
A. Mallia, J. Mackenzie, T. Suel, and N. Tonellotto.
44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
July 2022.
- Using Conjunctions for Faster Disjunctive Top-k Queries.
M. Siedlaczek, A. Mallia, and T. Suel.
15th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining,
March 2022.
- Optimizing Iterative Algorithms for Social Network Sharding.
Z. Deng and T. Suel.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 2021.
- Report on the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval.
C. Shah, T. Suel, F. Diaz et al.
SIGIR Record, December 2021.
- Learning Passage Impacts for Inverted Indexes.
A. Mallia, O. Khattab, T. Suel, and N. Tonellotto.
44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
July 2021.
- Fast Disjunctive Candidate Generation Using Live Block Filtering.
A. Mallia, M. Siedlaczek, and T. Suel.
14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining,
March 2021.
- Feature Extraction for Large-Scale Text Collections.
L. Gallagher, A. Mallia, S. Culpepper, T. Suel, and B. Cambazoglu.
29th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering,
November 2020.
- A Comparison of Top-k Threshold Estimation Techniques for
Disjunctive Query Processing.
S. Siedlaczek, A. Mallia, T. Suel, and M. Sun.
29th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering,
November 2020.
- To index or not to index: Time-space trade-offs for positional ranking
functions in search engines.
Diego Arroyuelo, Senén González, Mauricio Marin, Mauricio Oyarzún, Torsten Suel, and
Luis Valenzuela.
Information Systems, Vol. 89, March 2020.
- Forward Index Compression for Instance Retrieval in an Augmented Reality
Qi Wang, Michał Siedlaczek, Yen-Yu Chen, Michael Gormish, and Torsten Suel.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 2019.
- GPU-Accelerated Decoding of Integer Lists.
Antonio Mallia, Michał Siedlaczek, Torsten Suel, and Mohamed Zahran.
28th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering,
November 2019.
- Document Reordering for Faster Intersection.
Q. Wang and T. Suel.
45th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases,
August 2019.
- PISA: Performant Indexes and Search for Academia.
Antonio Mallia, Michał Siedlaczek, Joel Mackenzie, and Torsten Suel.
Proceedings of the Open-Source IR Replicability Challenge (OSIRRC 2019),
July 2019.
- Exploiting Global Impact Ordering for Higher Throughput in Selective Search.
S. Siedlaczek, J. Rodriguez, and T. Suel.
European Conference on Information Retrieval,
April 2019.
- Compressing Inverted Indexes with Recursive Graph Bisection: A Reproducibility Study.
J. MacKenzie, A. Mallia, M. Petri, S. Culpepper, and T. Suel.
European Conference on Information Retrieval (Reproducibility Track),
April 2019.
- An Experimental Study of Index Compression and DAAT Query Processing Methods.
A. Mallia, S. Siedlaczek, and T. Suel.
European Conference on Information Retrieval (Reproducibility Track),
April 2019.
- Exploring Size-Speed Trade-Offs in Static Index Pruning.
J. Rodriguez and T. Suel.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 2018.
- Fast Bag-Of-Words Candidate Selection in Content-Based Instance Retrieval Systems.
M. Siedlaczek, Q. Wang, Y. Chen, and T. Suel.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 2018.
- Delta Compression Techniques.
T. Suel.
In Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies, Springer, 2018.
- Improved Methods for Static Index Pruning.
W. Jiang, J. Rodriguez, and T. Suel.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 2016.
- Efficient Index Updates for Mixed Update and Query Loads.
S. Nepomnyachiy and T. Suel.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 2016.
- Three-Hop Distance Estimation in Social Graphs.
P. Welke, A. Markowetz, T. Suel and M. Christoforaki.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 2016.
- What Makes A Group Fail: Modeling Social Group Behavior in Event-Based Social Networks.
X. Liu and T. Suel.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 2016.
- Fast First-Phase Candidate Generation for Cascading Rankers.
Q. Wang, C. Dimopoulos, and T. Suel.
39th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, July 2016.
- Structural Sentence Similarity Estimation for Short Texts.
W. Ma and T. Suel.
29th International FLAIRS Conference, May 2016.
- Estimating Pairwise Distances in Large Graphs.
M. Christoforaki and T. Suel.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data, October 2014.
- A Robust Model for Paper-Reviewer Assignment.
X. Liu, T. Suel, and N. Memon.
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys),
October 2014. PDF
- Automated Decision Support for Human Tasks in a Collaborative
System: The Case of Deletion in Wikipedia.
B. Gelley and T. Suel.
Proceedings of WikiSym, August 2013.
- A Candidate Filtering Mechanism for Fast Top-K Query Processing
on Modern CPUs.
C. Dimopoulos, S. Nepomnyachiy, and T. Suel.
36th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, July 2013.
- Optimizing Top-k Document Retrieval Strategies for Block-Max
C. Dimopoulos, S. Nepomnyachiy, and T. Suel.
6th ACM Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, February 2013.
- Optimizing Positional Index Structures for Versioned Document
J. He and T. Suel.
35th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, July 2012.
- To Index or not to Index: Time-Space Trade-Offs in Search Engines
with Positional Ranking Functions.
D. Arroyuelo, S. Gonzalez, M. Marin, M. Oyarzun, and T. Suel.
35th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, July 2012.
- Text vs. Space: Efficient Geo-Search Query Processing.
M. Christoforaki, J. He, C. Dimopoulos, A. Markowetz, and T. Suel.
20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,
October 2011.
- Scalable Manipulation of Archival Web Graphs.
Y. Avcular and T. Suel.
Workshop on Large-Scale and Distributed Systems for Information
Retrieval. October 2011.
- Faster Temporal Range Queries over Versioned Text.
J. He and T. Suel.
34th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, July 2011.
- Faster Top-k Document Retrieval Using Block-Max Indexes.
S. Ding and T. Suel.
34th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, July 2011.
- Batch Query Processing for Web Search Engines.
S. Ding, J. Attenberg, R. Baeza-Yates, and T. Suel.
4th ACM Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, February 2011.
- Improved Index Compression Techniques for Versioned Document
Collections. With J. He and J. Zeng.
19th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,
October 2010.
- Efficient Term Proximity Search with Term-Pair Indexes.
With H. Yan, S. Shi, F. Zhang, and J. Wen.
19th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,
October 2010.
- Scalable Techniques for Document Identifier Assignment in
Inverted Indexes.
With S. Ding and J. Attenberg.
19th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), April 2010.
- Compact Full-Text Indexing of Versioned Document
With J. He and H. Yan.
18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,
November 2009. PDF
- Modeling and Predicting User Behavior in Sponsored Search.
With J. Attenberg and S. Pandey.
15th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD),
June 2009. PDF
- Compressing Term Positions in Web Indexes.
With H. Yan and S. Ding.
32nd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, June 2009.
- Using Graphics Processors for High-Performance IR Query
Processing. With S. Ding, J. He, and H. Yan.
18th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), April 2009.
[An earlier shorter version appeared as a poster at the 17th WWW,
April 2008]
- Inverted Index Compression and Query Processing with Optimized
Document Ordering. With H. Yan and S. Ding.
18th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), April 2009.
- Improved Techniques for Result Caching in Web Search
Engines. With Q. Gan.
18th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), April 2009.
- Top-k Aggregation Using Intersection of Ranked Inputs.
with R. Kumar, K. Punera, and S. Vassilvitskii. Second ACM International
Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), February 2009.