July 15, 2013, Day 6:

Linda Dombi

Chemistry teacher at St. Joseph By-the-Sea High School in Staten Island, NY, where she has been teaching science since 1999.

Today is the start of week two in the 2013 SMARTER project. We continued with structured training involving lectures and labs. Today's morning lecture introduced the highly versatile and popular 555 Timer chip to us. We learned how the 555 Timer operates and some of the applications for this stable and extensively used integrated circuit chip. The afternoon lecture focused on infrared (IR) emitters and detectors. We learned the functions of and uses for the IR LED and the IR detector. Back in the lab, we used the 555 Timer to generate frequencies in the audible range. We programmed our Basic Stamp 2 microcontrollers to monitor and process the frequency data.

We also worked with our BOE-Bot robots. Specifically, we programmed our BOE-Bots to navigate based on different types of sensory inputs. First we installed "whiskers" on the BOE-Bot and programmed the BASIC Stamp to check signals from the whiskers between each servo pulse. This allowed our BOE-Bot to avoid objects in its path. Next, we added the IR LED and detectors to the BOE Bot to shine IR into the BOE-Bot's path and look for its reflection. This method allowed the BOE-Bot to detect an object without physically contacting the object. We ended the day working on a program to make our BOE-Bot, instrumented with photo-resistive sensors, follow a winding, curving line of black electrical tape.

In my opinion, this is our most challenging lab thus far. Good luck to everyone.

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