
Cyborgs for the 21st Century: A Book Launch Celebration - POSTPONED

Lecture / Panel
Open to the Public

Cover of the Cyborg Book

UPDATE, April 10th 2024:

Unfortunately we have to cancel tomorrow's event and will reschedule for early September. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you in September.


Forlano and Glabau’s book Cyborg offers a concise introduction to cyborg theory that examines the way in which technology is situated, political, and embodied. Drawing on their combined decades of training, teaching, and research in the social sciences, design, and engineering education, Forlano and Glabau introduce an approach called critical cyborg literacy. Critical cyborg literacy foregrounds power dynamics and pays attention to the ways that social and cultural factors such as gender, race, and disability shape how technology is imagined, developed, used, and resisted.

Professor Danya Glabau
Danya Glabau
Professor Laura Furlano
Laura Forlano