
With a BS in Biochemistry and a year of professional lab work under my belt, I came to the conclusion that a career in the lab was not for me. I knew that if I wanted to advance in any sort of scientific discipline I would need an advanced degree. Enter the Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship master’s program at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. This program was perfectly tailored to my interests in both science and business and taught me how those two disciplines are combined in the professional world.
As a graduate engineering student, you have the option to take courses at a number of NYU’s other renowned schools such as the Stern School of Business. In my case, the biotechnology courses offered at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering provided me with the most benefit. Classes such as Biosensors and Biochips, Biocatalysis in Industry and Biotechnology and the Pharmaceutical Industry cover the latest industry-specific innovations within biosensor design, industrial catalysis techniques, stem cell therapies and drug development, to name only a few. These courses are comprehensive and cover these highly relevant topics in the biotechnology space through research projects and presentations that mimic real-world scenarios.
The knowledge I acquired in those classes allowed me to start working full time as a healthcare analyst well before graduation. My employer hired me specifically for my knowledge of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, as well as my ability to critically analyze the current and future healthcare climates. I would not have made it to an interview, let alone been hired, without the skills and knowledge I gained from the Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship master’s program at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering."