CUSP Data Dives

Experiential learning beyond the classroom.

Dive headfirst into the dynamic realm of real-world data exploration and problem-solving. Data dives at CUSP offer a unique opportunity for our master's students to not just understand but actively engage with their fields of study. 

Discovering, interrogating, analyzing, and visualizing urban datasets.

Public and private sector partners may sponsor our data dives, posing questions and providing data sets, while students from NYU CUSP and other universities analyze them in teams. If you would like to propose a collaborative data dive with CUSP, please contact


Experiential learning unleashed

At CUSP, we believe in learning by doing. Our Data Dives and Hackathons are immersive experiences that put theoretical knowledge into practice. Students roll up their sleeves, dive into datasets, and navigate the complexities of real-world scenarios, transforming information into actionable insights.


Hands-on experimentation

Our programs encourage hands-on experimentation. Participants harness cutting-edge tools and technologies, applying them to authentic challenges. Whether it's coding, data analysis, or machine learning, our students gain invaluable skills through practical application.


Real-world relevance

In the ever-evolving landscape of urban science, staying ahead requires more than theoretical understanding. Our data dives and hackathons connect students with real-world problems sourced from industry partners, ensuring that every challenge they tackle has genuine relevance and impact.


Building bridges to success

Beyond the classroom, these programs foster collaboration, teamwork, and networking. Students work alongside peers, mentors, and industry professionals, creating lasting connections that extend far beyond the duration of the event.

Join us at the intersection of education and action, where theoretical knowledge transforms into practical mastery. Explore our data dives and hackathons, and witness the power of experiential learning shaping the future leaders of urban science and informatics.

Data Dives at CUSP

Global Data Dive

CUSP’s annual immersion program for graduate students is a collaboration with our partners at King's College in London, one of the leading smart cities around the world.

Local Data Dive

Health Landscapes in Urban Environments: A Multidimensional Approach to Mental, Physical, and Environmental Well-being