John Vivolo
Director of Online and Virtual Learning

John Vivolo is the Director of Online and Virtual Learning for New York University. John partners with faculty to devise a set of pedagogical and technical practices often known as "Best Practices for Online Learning." Working to create a rich and interactive learning experience, John also researches new methods and technologies to incorporate into online learning. In addition, John monitors and coordinates efforts to scale-up online learning at NYU.
John recently put together a team of instructional designers and educational technologists to assit faculty in creating next generation online learning. This includes an Online Learning Production Studio and efforts to increase peer-to-peer learning and add elements of gamification.
For 12 years, John taught both fully online and blended learning courses. In addition, John has hosted numerous faculty seminars and workshops in online learning. During this time, he has trained faculty in both the eLearning technology as well as how to effectively implement these technologies into online courses. He has presented at numerous conferences, include the Online Learning Consortium conferences.
John is an OLC certificate instructor and recently completed the IELOL Certificate at PENN State.