Vikram Kapila

  • Director, Ph.D. Hub

  • Professor Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Vikram Kapila
Research Interests
Research at the convergence of frontier technologies (robotics, augmented/virtual/mixed-reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain) with applications to intuitive and natural human-robot interactions, digital health, and STEM education. Other research interests include: K-12 STEM education; mechatronics; smart sensors; engineering applications of chaos; cooperative control; distributed spacecraft formation control; linear/nonlinear control with applications to robust control, saturation control, and time-delay systems; closed-loop input shaping; and spacecraft attitude control.

Regional Engineering College, Calicut, India
Bachelor of Technology

Florida Institute of Technology
Master of Science

Georgia Institute of Technology
Doctor of Philosophy

Polytechnic Institute of New York University, April 2011 to present
Instruction in graduate and undergraduate system dynamics and control courses and development of externally funded research program in robust control.

Machine Tools, Progressive Spark Systems Private Limited, India, October 1988 to September 1989
Project Engineer
Developed machine tool hardware for electro-discharge machines (EDM) and CNC wire EDM.

Production, Rajinder Pipes and Leasings Limited, India, October 1989 to February 1990
Trainee Engineer
Developed production tools for electrical resistance welding (ERW) tubes and supervised shift production.

Florida Institute of Technology, September 1991 to December 1993
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Undergraduate instruction in Statics, Dynamics, and Materials Laboratory. Conducted research to develop periodic and multirate control algorithms.

Georgia Institute of Technology, January 1994 to January 1996
Graduate Research Assistant
Conducted research to develop robust controller analysis and synthesis tools for uncertain systems.

Georgia Institute of Technology, January 1996 to January 1996
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Undergraduate laboratory instruction in Flight Mechanics and Control.

Georgia Institute of Technology, March 1996 to June 1996
Adjunct Faculty
Undergraduate instruction in Vibrations and System Dynamics.

Georgia Institute of Technology, January 1996 to August 1996
Research Associate
Developed theoretical and computational tools for robust fixed-order controller synthesis.

Polytechnic Institute of New York, September 1996 to August 2002
Research Associate
Instruction in graduate and undergraduate system dynamics and control courses and development of externally funded research program in robust control.

Polytechnic Institute of New York, September 2002 to April 2011
Associate Professor
Instruction in graduate and undergraduate system dynamics and control courses and development of externally funded research program in robust control.

Journal Articles

  •  K. Williams, I. Igel, R. Poveda, V. Kapila, and M. Iskander, “Enriching K-12 Science and Mathematics Education Using LEGOs,” Advances in Engineering Education, Vol. 3, No. 2, summer 2012.
  •  C. Dubey and V. Kapila, “Wave Fractal Dimension as a Tool in Detecting Cracks in Beam Structures,” Chaotic Modeling and Simulation (CMSIM), 1: 241—256, 2012.
  •  M. Iskander and V. Kapila, “Revitalizing Achievement by Using Instrumentation in Science Education (RAISE), A GK-12 Fellows Project,” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, Vol. 138, 62—72, 2012.
  •  I. Igel, R. Poveda, V. Kapila, and M. Iskander, “Examining the Efficacy of a LEGO Robotics Training for Volunteer Mentors and K-12 Teachers,” Proc. Amer. Soc. Eng. Ed., Session: W146A, San Antonio, TX, June 2012.
  •  A. Faisal, V. Kapila, and M. Iskander, “Using Robotics to Promote Learning in Elementary Grades,” Proc. Amer. Soc. Eng. Ed., June 2012, Session: T446, San Antonio, TX, June 2012.
  •  C. Dubey and V. Kapila, “Detection and Characterization of Cracks in Beams via Chaotic Excitation and Statistical Analysis,” in Application of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering, S. Banerjee, M. Mitra, and L. Rondoni (Eds.), 137—164. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2011, ISBN-10: 3642219217.
  •  C. Dubey, H. Wong, V. Kapila, and P. Kumar, “Web-Enabled Remote Control Laboratory Using an Embedded Ethernet Microcontroller,” in Internet Accessible Remote Laboratories: Scalable E-learning Tools for Engineering and Science Disciplines, A.K.M. Azad, M.E. Auer, and V.J. Harward (Eds.), 338—361, IGI Global, USA, 2011, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-186-3.
  •  N. Abaid, C. Yuvienco, V. Kapila, and M. Iskander, “Mechatronics Mania at the Inaugural USA Science and Engineering Festival,” IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Vol. 31, 105—110, 124, 2011.
  •  S.-H. Lee, V. Kapila, M. Porfiri, and A. Panda, “Master-Slave Synchronization of Continuously and Intermittently Coupled Sampled-Data Chaotic Oscillators,” Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 15, 4100—4113, 2010.
  •  I. Ahmed, H. Wong, and V. Kapila, “Internet-Based Remote Control using a Microcontroller and an Embedded Ethernet Board,” ASEE Computers in Education Journal, Vol. I, 15—21, 2010.


  • Received NYU-Poly’s leadership award (2012), Jacobs Excellence in Education Award (2011, 2008, 2002), and the Distinguished Teacher Award (2003).
  • Invited to the U.S. National Science and Engineering Expo, Washington, DC, April 27—29, 2012. Our showcase “Mobile Apps for Robotics,” was one of only 16 NSF-funded research and education projects selected by NSF to be featured at the event.
  • Awarded the 2011 Outstanding Project Award for Efforts in Sustainability and Media by the National Science Foundation at the GK-12 Fellows Project Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, March 13, 2011.
  • Invited to the U.S. National Science and Engineering Expo, Washington, DC, October 23—24, 2010. Our showcase “Mechatronics Mania,” was one of only 15 NSF-funded research and education projects selected by NSF to be featured at the event.
  • Selected for a three-year term as a Senior Faculty Fellow of NYU-Poly’s Othmer Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (Fall 2004—Summer 2007).
  • Presented an invited Plenary Lecture titled “Hands-on Mechatronics Education: A Brooklyn Poly Perspective,” at the 17th Florida Conference on the Recent Advances in Robotics held at the University of Central, Orlando, FL, May 2004.
  • Inducted as an eminent engineer in Tau Beta Pi, The Engineering Honor Society, upon invitation from student members of Polytechnic chapter, the NY Rho (November 2003).

I have been at our school since 1996 and served in various shared-governance roles, including Speaker of the Faculty, Chair of the Tenure Committee, etc. I collaborate with colleagues at other NYU schools in research and committee work. I support Professional Development Programming for Tandon Ph.D. students. I have been privileged to mentor several assistant professors who are now highly successful tenured colleagues. I am happy to share my institutional knowledge about what it takes to be successful in our profession.

Research News

February 12, 2021

February 9, 2021

February 9, 2021

Research Centers, Labs, and Groups