Mechatronics and Controls lab
Kelly Brandon, Alexa Goldstrom, Zulficar Habib and Jigar Jadav
We are working in Professor Kapila’s Mechatronics and Controls lab. All of us have selected different aspects of research pertaining to CAESAR, the humanoid robot.
Habib is developing an android app that will integrate Flexiforce sensors in helping to control the robot’s arms.
Jigar is working on deploying the Open CV program on an embedded processor such as a Gumstick or Raspberry Pi so it can be housed within the robot, thereby eliminating the reliance on the current laptop-based system for vision processing.
Kelly is working with the Open CV program to enable CAESAR to detect and learn objects.
Alexa is working on 3D design and manufacturing of the arms and torso using Autodesk Inventor, Solid Works, CNC machines, and a desktop 3D printer.
We will use our new, in-depth knowledge about programming, app creation, and design in our math, science, and computer classes to expose our students to diverse study and career opportunities in STEM disciplines.