Dane Kurian

Email: dkuria01@utopia.poly.edu

Current Degree Program: B.S. MechanicalEngineering


B.S., Polytechnic University, Brooklyn NY, 2005.

Mechanical Engineering: Aerospace Engineering

Career Choice

Engineer in public/private sector and M.S.

High School Activities

High School: Westinghouse High School

Subject: Active Physics

Laboratory Experiments Developed:

(1) Linear Motion – An ultrasonic sensor is used to record the position time history of a student walking across the room.

(2) Projectile Motion – Photogates are used to determine the impact point of a ball undergoing projectile motion.

(3) Rotational Mechanics and Simple Machines – A force sensor is used find the torque at the end of a see-saw.

(4) Newton's First Law of Motion – A force sensor is used to verify Newton’s First Law.