Chris Wilkins


Current Degree Program: M.S. Mechanical Engineering


B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic University, Troy NY, 2005

Career Choice

Putting People into Space

Laboratory Experiments Developed:

(1) Incline Motion – A photogate is used to detect the velocity of an object rolling down an incline. 

(2) Series and Parallel – Flashlight bulbs are used in series and parallel circuits to help students better understand Ohm’s Law and its practice.

(3) Light Bulb Blow Out – A light bulb will blow out because of excessively high current.  Students must design a circuit that will do just that… the key to success is working with other teams to use the batteries in parallel. 

(4) Hand Crank Generator – Using the hand-crank-generator from the high school lab supplies, students power on light bulbs in series and parallel circuits, and measure the power they are outputting using voltage and current measurements.

(5) Pulley/Cart Motion – A Low-G Accelerometer measures the acceleration of a weighted dynamics cart as it is pulled by a falling mass via a table-mounted pulley.

Additional Information

Resume: CCWresume