
“50 Years Forward: The Cost of a Dream Deferred” 8th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration

For NYU Community

Listen to the critical perspectives of several guests as they present their views and ideas and engage in dialogue surrounding the costs of failing to realize the dreams that Dr. King articulated fifty years ago. Reverend Al Sharpton will be joined by Michaela Angela Davis, Dr. Shankar Prasad and others. We will also be presenting the NYU MLK Jr. Humanitarian Award to Young Alumna Trustee, Natalie Holder-Winfield, Steinhardt ‘97.

Join us for a stimulating evening of reflection and conversation as we challenge ourselves to move forward from dreaming action.

Students, want to go to the event with Poly?
Get a ticket, a free metro card, and a hot beverage to go!
We’ll meet up at 5:45pm in JAB Lobby.

Tickets just you: