
Employer Information Session: NASA-Glenn Research Center

For NYU Community

During this presentation, NASA-Glenn Research Center will be talking about their organization, and will give practical career advice on a variety of topics from job searches to job performance.

You will have you a chance to learn:

  • What does NASA-Glenn Research Center do?
  • What kinds of jobs do they have available, and who are they looking to hire?
  • What kind of academic preparation, skills, and qualifications are necessary to prepare for a career like this?
  • How much do jobs like this pay?
  • What is the corporate culture like at this company?
  • Why would an employer be more eager to hire “Student A” or Student B”? How can I best prepare myself?

About the Fall Employer Information Sessions

The Career Management Center makes these sessions available to all NYU-Poly students. We encourage you to attend as many of these sessions as possible. (Check the event listings for additional Employer Information Sessions.)

On-Campus Recruiting Participants - Please Note:

If you will be interviewing with this company as part of the On-Campus Recruiting Program, you are required to attend this company's presentation. The goal of the session is to help you become a better-informed and better-prepared job candidate. (If you have a time conflict with one of your classes, please discuss this with one of the Career Counselors in NYU-Poly’s Career Management Center before the day of the presentation.)