Miguel Modestino

  • Director, Sustainable Engineering Initiative

  • Donald F. Othmer Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering


Miguel Modestino

Our research lies at the interface of multifunctional material development and electrochemical engineering. Electrochemical devices are ubiquitous to a broad range of energy conversion technologies and chemical processes. Their core components rely on complex materials that provide the required electrocatalytic activity and mass transport functionality. Our group has expertise in composite materials development, processing and characterization; and this expertise is used to improve and redefine electrochemical reactors with direct industrial applications. Our applied research approach also relies on fundamental understanding of the materials’ self-assembly and how their morphology and surface properties affects the mass transport and performance of electrochemical devices.

Watch Office Hours with Miguel Modestino: Decarbonizing the Chemical Manufacturing Industry
Research Interests
Chemical Manufacturing Decarbonization Energy Storage and Conversion Electrochemistry Reaction Engineering Polymers Sustainability

University of California, Berkeley 2013
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2008
M.S. , Chemical Engineering Practice

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2007
B.S., Chemical Engineering

  • Goddard Junior Faculty Fellowship Award, NYU (2020)
  • MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 Award, Global List (2020)
  • National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2019)
  • Doctoral New Investigator Award, ACS Petroleum Research Fund (2018)
  • MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 Award, Latin America (2017)
  • Global Change Award, H&M Foundation (2017)
  • Energy and Environmental Science Readers’ Choice Lectureship award (2015)

Mentoring Style: I am accessible, usually prefer informal interactions but can adjust my style to your needs.

Research News

November 3, 2020

Research Centers, Labs, and Groups