Using the RoboClock Prototype:
1. Be sure that the program "FinalClock" runs on the Basic Stamp for the clock.
2. Run the program "FinalRobot" on the Boe-Bot Basic Stamp.
3. Place the Boe-Bot on a flat surface near the clock (presently must be within 5 feet)
4. Point the IR LED from the clock at the Boe-Bot
5. TURN ON LIGHT SWITCH FOR ENCODER (Found on side of clock)
6. At power up, the clock is in "Learning Mode:" (Mode_0 in the code)
- Move hour and minute hands to any desired position.
- Press button on the right. (Switch2 in the code)
- The LED display should now indicate the time you chose
- This procedure may be repeated as many times as the user likes
- To change modes, press the button on the left. (Switch1 in the code)
7. When the clock is changed to the "Game Mode:" (Mode_1 in the code)
- Press button on the right to generate and display a random time.
- Move hour and minute hand to represent the displayed time. (presently allows +- 2 minutes)
- When you believe the hour and minute hand are correctly positioned, press button on the right to check your answer.
- If you are correct, a "happy buzz" sounds and the Boe-Bot advances one step. The user must now either press the button on the right to generate a new time and start over, or press the button on the left to return to the "Learning Mode."
- If the user is incorrect, a "sad buzz" sounds and the Boe-Bot moves back a step. The user may move the hands to the correct position and press the button on the right again, or press the button on the left to return to "Learning Mode."
8. When the Boe-Bot reaches either "goal line" (currently 2 steps from the home position) it will either sing,
dance, and return to the home position or simply return to the home position.
9. When finished, remember to SHUT THE LIGHTS FOR THE ENCODER!
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