Materials Used

Board of Education (BOE)

The BOE is a programming board which holds the Basic Stamp. It also allows user to control  LEDs, a potentiometer, motors and even the solenoids in this project.

Basic Stamp 2 (BS2)

The Basic Stamp is a microcontroller which uses PBasic programming language and is able to interpret input signals, and provide output signals.You can purchase this Board of Education with the Stamp in a kit for $119.00.

12 volts DC motor geared down

Provides the work to raise or lower the incline. The motor is geared down to increase torque and decrease angular velocity

Potentiometer 100K

A variable resistor with an adjustable center connection. A pot is used to adjust the amount of current sent to the system.

Push Solenoid

A device which contains a coil of wire that carries current and acts like a magnet when a current passes through it. The push solenoid is used at the top of our platform to fire the ping pong ball.

Pull Solenoid

A device that contains a coil of wire that carries current and acts like a magnet when a current passes through it. The pull solenoid is used in this project to hold the car in place until the angle is raised to the appropriate degree


Very small devices which are used to control current in an electric circuit by providing resistance. We used these resistors o control current through the H Bridge and the


A semiconductor device with three leads, a base, collector and emitter wwhich acts as an electronic switch. If a potential is present at the base then a small current flow through the base, this in turn allows a large current to pass through the collector and emitter


Infrared Emitter

A device which produces infrared light.


Photo Transistors

 A transistor which uses received light as it base rather than a small current

25 pin D Converter

Used to provided a convenient connection between the project’s circuit board and the Basic Stamp


DC Power Jack

 The jack used on the outside of the box to allow the basic stamp to be wired outside the system


QV306m4-P: pre-programmed RS232 playback module

 This device allows our project to verbalize commands from the Basic Stamp


ADC Converter

The Analog to Digital Converter converts and analog potential to a digital signal which can be interpreted by the Basic Stamp


Momentary Push Button (SPST) The push button provides a momentary electrical connection .


Windows based computer with Pbasic Software

You can download the software here.










Materials Used